You most likely have a core group of friends with whom you stick through thick and thin.
Instead of trying to outwit everyone or constantly drawing attention back to yourself, you may need to make an effort to consider different points of view.
You're probably more confident on the outside than you are on the inside, and you're worried about how many likes you're getting on social media or if you looked bad in that group photo.
You only like to engage in activities that you feel super passionate about, and when that feeling isn’t there you can lose your motivation quickly.
When it comes to dating, you wear your heart on your sleeve and aren't afraid to show affection to the people you like.
Your personal style allows you to express yourself, so what you wear is essentially an extension of your personality.
Having a passion project or being able to create something entirely your own is how you can release your emotions and find emotional fulfilment.
You may even feel as if you are not being respected, but keep in mind that the other person may be dealing with something completely unrelated to you.
Your zest for life and willingness to put your whole heart into things inspires others to do the same.
The way you talk might be very animated and entertaining, but you may embellish your stories a bit for dramatic effect.