White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

Top 10 Libraries Every Java Developer Should Know

Start with language's own frameworks & tools. Java standard libraries are robust & functional. They help new developers build a strong foundation.

Java Standard Libraries

open-source Java mocking framework for clean unit tests with behavior-driven & test-driven approach. Voted best Java mocking framework.

Mockito [Unit Testing Library]

Java unit testing framework for creating and running test cases. Crucial for fixing bugs. Tests should be independent since JUnit runs randomly.

JUnit [Unit Testing Library]

reusable Java components library with IO, Numbers, Text, CSV, BSF, Crypto, and more. Saves developer's time by providing a wealth of resources.

Apache Commons [General-Purpose Library]

reusable Java components library with IO, Numbers, Text, CSV, BSF, Crypto, and more. Saves developer's time by providing a wealth of resources.

Google Guava [General-Purpose Library]

High-performance JSON parsing library. Serialize Java objects to JSON and vice versa. Supports various data types and formats.

Jackson [JSON Parsing Library]

Retrieve HTTP resources in Java. Supports HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2. Synchronous and asynchronous programming models.

HttpClient [HTTP Library]

Upgrade of popular Java logging library. Plugin architecture. Improved filters, speed, extensibility, custom log levels, and supports JSON, XML, and YAML.

Log4j 2 [Logging Library]

Connection pool library for Java DB integration. Saves time by pooling connections. DBCP 2 is an upgrade with improved performance and JMX support.

DBCP [Database Connection Pool Library]

JAXB is an XML parsing library for Java, that binds XML schemas to Java objects. It allows marshaling and unmarshaling of Java objects and XML data.

JAXB [XML Parsing Library]